Play an integral role in the forward progression of the Association. Working on a MRCAOR Committee keeps the Association moving toward the goals in our Strategic Plan. Make a difference!
Review with the Treasurer the expenditures of the Board. Prepares and reviews a proposed budget to be submitted to the Board of Directors for the ensuing year. Recommends policy changes in order to keep the Board in a strong fiscal position.
Chair - Tim Cook, Rise Realty
Plan fundraising event(s) to raise money for local food pantries. The Committee shall plan events to raise funds to help support several local food pantries and Big Bear Meals on Wheels. The Committee shall put forth a recommendation to the Board of Directors for disbursement of the funds.
Chair - Suzette Guyette, Fidelity National Title
The Diversity & Fair Housing Committee will recommend policies and actions which support Fair Housing and will foster greater diversity within the REALTOR® community. Such policies and actions may include leadership development initiatives, education and training, grant programs, tracking diversity statistics, offering MRCAOR leadership diversity/Fair Housing recommendations, and strengthening relationships with local multicultural and Fair Housing organizations.
Chair - Ali Grant Shoemaker, Re/Max Big Bear
Considers all allegations of unethical conduct of violations of the Code of Ethics and/or MLS Rules and Regulation compliance with currently approved guidelines promulgated by the National Association of REALTORS® and the Association of REALTORS®. Makes preliminary investigation and evaluation of a complaint against a member determine whether the validity and substance of the complaint warrants further consideration by Hearing Panel of Professional Standards Committee.
Chair - Tom Benson, Pacificrest Real Estate
Informs the membership of local, state, and national governmental activities and legislation which affect our industry. Recommends legislation to be
sponsored. Informs membership of positions of C.A.R. and N.A.R. on proposed legislation. Reviews requests for MRCAOR/PAC and CREAPAC funds requests
and presents it’s recommendation to the Board of Directors.
Chair - Annette Karnes, EXP Realty
Supervises the activity and operation of the Multiple Listing Service in accordance with it’s Rules and Regulations, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. Develops recommended policy and procedures for operation of the Multiple Listing Service.
Chair - Bob Angilella, Re/Max Big Bear
Assists in the selection of a slate of Officers and Directors for the annual Board Election. At least two (2) months before annual election the President,
with the approval of the Board of Directors shall appoint an Election Committee comprised of one (1) Director, the Immediate Past President and three (3) REALTOR® Members
Annette Karnes - EXP Realty
The Scholarship Committee raises money for scholarships, screen and select scholarship recipients
Chair - Melissa Gile - Re/Max Big Bear
Enforce the Code of Ethics, discipline and arbitrate matters of the Association. Hear matters of alleged ethical misconduct by the Association members, or members of the public.
Chair - Candy Halstead, Wheeler Steffen Sotheby’s
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