Call Us: (909) 866-5891
Two Offices to serve you
Mountain Resort Communities Association of REALTORS®
Mountain Resort Communities ONLY Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
40861 Stone Rd. Big Bear Lake, CA
27201 CA-189 Apt A Blue Jay
Mountain Resort Communities ONLY Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
40861 Stone Rd. Big Bear Lake, CA
27201 CA-189 Apt A Blue Jay
Mountain Resort Communities Association of Realtors® amplifies the value of the local REALTOR® by driving ethical professionalism, protecting private property rights, and promoting homeownership in our community.
Our Mission is to maintain and continually improve a cooperative venture
for the benefit of our entire Membership including:
Providing products and services that help our members better serve their clients and customers.
Embracing innovation, progress and ethics to improve the manner that organized
Real Estate Sales are conducted within our area.
We endeavor to improve the REALTOR® image by promoting professionalism.
Mountain Resort Communities Association of REALTORS® (MRCAOR) is the local association in the San Bernardino Mountain Area Communities, including: Big Bear Valley, Lake Arrowhead, Crestline, Running Springs and many more. We are liaison to the State and National Association of REALTORS®. We provide the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) exclusively for the Mountain Resort Communities area, along with other benefits and services to our REALTOR® & Affiliate members. REALTORS® provide a valuable and irreplaceable service to their clients and we are here to assure they have all the tools necessary to fulfill that obligation with extraordinary success. MRCAOR and many other REALTOR® associations also participate in a number of lobbying activities to protect and preserve home-ownership and property rights on a local, state, and national level. Please review our Mission Statement and explore this site for more information.
Get the latest news and information about the real estate market from experts who open doors to the American Dream of home ownership.
The REALTOR® Party of California stands for our Pledge to protect the individual rights of property ownership.
We Vote. You Should too.
The California Association of REALTORS® is the single largest Trade Association in the state of California.
In addition to our REALTOR® Members (click the link below) there are hundreds upon hundreds of locals employed and affiliated with our Members.
Members of the MRCAOR are the largest single group of employers in the San Bernardino Mountain Area.
Few people know the extent of our involvement for the public good. Although the Association is for the benefits of our Members, REALTORS® & Affiliates, those members volunteer untold hours to protect and serve you. Learn more about our committees. Get Involved and serve.
You'll not find a more dedicated and diverse group of providers in the Mountain Resort Communities. Click the link below where you'll find professionals in:
Advertising, Appraisals, Attorneys, Escrow Services, Electrical Contractors, Heating and Air Conditioning, Home Furnishings & Design, Home Improvement, Home Inspections, Natural Hazard Disclosures, Home Warranty, Insurance, Mortgage, Photography & Video Services, Mailing and Shipping, Tax Preparation & Strategy, Termite & Pest Control, Title Insurance, Transfer and Storage and Vacation Rentals.
Realtor Action Fund BBQ 2015
E. Kathy Cook
Office: (909)866-5891
Laura Hoffman
Office: (909)866-5891
Argenis Santos
Office: (909) 866-5891
Copyright © Big Bear Association of REALTORS®
All Rights Reserved.